2022 Order & Delivery Schedule
Below are our ordering deadlines and scheduled delivery dates for 2022. Please note, all orders and deliveries are subject to the group making its minimum ordering quota for the month. Orders must be finalized by the evening of the order date unless otherwise noted.
Deliveries are located at the Colebrook Church. Please be there 15 minutes before actual delivery time (this varies). To find out approximate time, log into your UNFI account and click on Arrival Time at the top of the page.
JanuaryOrders due: 1/17 |
FebruaryOrders due: 2/14 |
MarchOrders due: 3/14 |
AprilOrders due: 4/11
MayOrders due: 5/9 |
JuneOrders due: 6/6 |
JulyOrders due: 7/5 |
AugustOrders due: 8/1
SeptemberOrders due: 8/29 |
OctoberOrders due: 9/26 2nd ordering opportunity! |
NovemberOrders due: 11/21 |
DecemberOrders due: 12/19 |