How to Order
Order & Delivery Schedule
The company we order from is United Natural Foods Buying Clubs (UNFI)
The Co-Op account number is 31809
Orders are due 10 days before delivery!!!!!
Individual orders are entered on the website ( by each member, and then committed to UNFI by the coordinator before the deadline.
NOTE: You will need a UNFI account to place an order! Please email us to request an account, it’s that easy!
Each order will include a fuel surcharge, passed on from United.
In addition to specials in the price list, there is a last-minute specials list on the website,
Delivery info:
Delivery day: Tuesday morning.
To find out approximate time, log on to and click on Chesterfield delivery times, enter our account number.
Deliveries are located at the Colebrook Church. Please be there 15 minutes before actual delivery time.
Each member must be present to receive his/her order or delegate someone to do so. Most items are labeled with the member’s names. Other items may be split among members, so refer to invoice.
Be sure to check your order with your invoice at delivery to eliminate any duplicate or missing orders. The driver can adjust the invoice immediately. Otherwise, returns or credits need to be arranged through the coordinator.
Rainchecks are available for out of stock or mispicked sale items. Rainchecks will be honored on your next scheduled order for the quantity ordered but not received in the previous order.
Payment info:
Checks are due at time of delivery. Make payment to Northwest Community Co-Op.